Gold Burg Made Big Announcement After Defeating Brock Lesnar


Toronto, The leading wrestler, Gold Berg defeated the well known wrestler, Brock Lesnar after coming back to the ring after 12 years. After defeating his opponent, he made the big announcement of participating in the Royal Rumble fight next year.

The leading and well known wrestler, Goldberg defeated the wrestler, Brock Lesnar and he announced to come back in the ring. He also made the announcement that he will participate in the Royal Rumble fight in January next year. Royal Rumble fight is the longest fight in which about 30 wrestlers are appeared in the ring after some interval and the wrestler, which remained in the ring, he is declared the winner of the competition.

49 years old Goldberg were seen in the fight 13 years before in the Royal Rumble fight. If he wins the next Royal Rumble fight once again on 29 January next year, which will be conducted in Texas then he will get the chance to fight the Wrestle Mania 33. Goldberg won the first world title in 1998 after defeating Hulk Hogan and he also won the title in 2003 after defeating him.


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